Civil law

Civil law
We provide legal advice and representation in the field of civil law. In particular, we deal with the drafting of various types of contracts, especially contracts related to real estate, easements and proposals for entry into the Land Registry. Members of our team also have extensive experience in lease issues, in particular lease of flats and related contracts and documents. If necessary, we also take over legal representation, prepare a legal analysis of your situation, draft a pre-action notice, file a law suit and represent you in court.

What can we help you with?

Creation of tailor-made contracts

We have extensive experience in drafting various types of contracts in civil, employment, commercial and family law. We will listen to what your needs or problems are and then prepare tailor-made contract that fully serves your needs and provides you with maximum legal protection. We are particularly experienced in the following types of contracts: lease agreement, notice of termination of the lease of apartment, sublease agreement, purchase agreement, donation agreement, brokerage agreement, servitude agreement, easement agreement, escrow agreement, exchange contract, loan agreement, contract on transfer of shares, contract on assignments of receivables, pledge agreement, sub-pledge agreement, partnership agreement, future contract and others.

More about creation of contracts

Establishments and cancellation of easements

Do you need to establish or cancel an easement? Are you buying or have you got a property with an easement and need advice? Do you need to enter the creation or deletion of an easement at the Land Registry? We will help you find your way around the issue, prepare the appropriate contractual documentation and the corresponding proposal for entry into the Land Registry.

More about easements

Lease of an apartment – advice and drafting of documents

Thanks to our extensive experience in drafting contracts and representing clients in disputes related to the lease of apartments, we can prepare a tailor-made lease agreement or notice of termination of lease so that everything complies with the law. We are also happy to advise you on the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants of apartments.

More about leases

Compensation for damages (injury to health and honor or damage to property)

Has someone cause you damage to your property, health or honor? Do you want to claim compensation for non-pecuniary damage? Have you suffered an accident at work? We will advice you on what you are entitled to and help you claim it as effectively as possible.

More about compensation for damages

Proposals for entry into the Land Registry

Are you buying a house, apartment or other property? Have you received or are you transferring real estate? Are you establishing or cancelling an easement? Then you will always need to create a proposal for entry into the Land Registry. But who is supposed to know the numbers and letters in the forms? And where and how to file them properly? We will explain, fill in and prepare everything for you.

More about entries

Pre-action notices and representation before court

The vast amount of experience we have in drafting pre-action notices of various contents can become your advantage in your dispute in case you ask us for legal representation. We will draft the pre-action notice and the lawsuit for you and prepare everything so that you have the best chance of success in court.

More about pre-action notices