Commercial law

Services for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and companies

Commercial law
We provide comprehensive legal advice to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs (self-employed persons) and companies. Our goal is to assure that they are provided with sufficient legal services in all areas of law that they most often encounter, such as drafting of tailor-made contracts, employment law issues and issues of mutual rights and obligations of employers and employees, including the drafting of contracts and documents, disclosure of legally required data, drafting of business terms and conditions for both entrepreneurs and consumers for Czech Republic and the EU, comprehensive preparation of documentation related to the protection of personal data (GDPR), performance of the function of the data protection officer, realization of general meetings of smaller companies and more.

What can we help you with?

Creation and revision of contracts

We create tailor-made contracts exactly according to your wishes and needs, and we also carefully review the contracts you are asked to sign.

More about contracts.

Legal assistance in the area of the employment law for employers

Drafting and preparation of employment law documents

Advice and assistance in regard to the employer´s rights and obligations

We provide comprehensive legal advice to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs (self-employed persons) and companies. In particular, we deal with individualized contract drafting, training and consulting in the area of rights and obligations in the relation between employer and employee, as well as the issues of personal data protection.

More about legal assistance

GDPR issues – data protection

We provide comprehensive legal services in the area of personal data protection (GDPR), in particular in the framework of the issues regulated by the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU No. 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data. Every entrepreneur and every company are different in terms of the number of employees, and so the needs in the area of personal data protection are different in each company and so need to be tailored. That’s why we are here for you, ready to help according to your current needs, to propose solutions, to bring useful recommendations and make everything work.

More about GDPR

Creation of terms and conditions

We deal with professional creation of business terms and conditions for entrepreneurs and companies according to their needs. When creating terms and conditions, we work closely with the entrepreneur or company to understand their exact business type and philosophy, which we then use to set appropriate terms and conditions that best protect their interests. 

More about business terms and conditions

Publications of legally required data on websites

There is a range of data from different areas of business activity that a business or company should be required by various laws to publish on a website. We will help you to navigate the issues and not forget anything.

More about mandatory data

Realization of general meetings and assistance with company documentation

Commercial law is changing rapidly in our country. Many entrepreneurs still remember the “old” Commercial Code, but in the meantime, the Companies Act has already come into force and has been amended several times and most recently quite significantly. In addition, every commercial company has to comply with quite extensive requirements of the Public Registers Act. We can help you by keeping track of when you are supposed to hold your company´s general meeting and ensuring that it is conducted in a valid, lawful manner. We can also make sure that you submit the information you are legally required to submit to the public registers properly and on time. We can also help you keep your company documentation up to date. 

More about general meetings

Debt recovery, pre-action notices and representation in court

If you are unable to assert your rights, we are ready to take over your legal representation, draft a pre-action notice, file the right kind of lawsuit and fully represent you in court in commercial, civil employment, administrative and criminal law depending on the needs of your business or company. 

More information

Monitoring the novelization and the actualization of the necessary measures in your company

Running a business entails the need to keep up to date with legislation, of which there is certainly no shortage. As professional, we will keep track of legal updates and amendments to the key legislation you need for your business or company, and we will also help you implement everything that is needed to make your business compliant.

Read more about novelization